kids' summer quilt project · sewing · sewing with kids

Kids’ Summer Quilt Project – step 3: sewing the blocks together

When all the blocks have some kind of sewing that will hold all the layers together, it is time to join them.  First, lay them out on the floor to get an arrangement that you like.  I decided to just go with random so that I didn’t have to pay too much attention to layout, but that is a personal choice.

When you know how you want them to be arranged, they can be joined.  First, they will be joined in pairs.  There will be one block without a pair since there is an odd number.  Pinning two pieces together will make it easier to sew them without it shifting.  Take your time and make sure to do a straight seam with 1/2″ seam allowance.

To help get a straight seam, place a few pieces of masking tape or painter’s tape on your sewing machine marking the 1/2″ mark (1/2″ away from the needle).

When sewing, run the fabric up against the tape.  The more pieces of tape, the bigger the ridge will be for the pieces to butt up against.

When all the pairs are made, lay out the pieces again, then join pairs to make blocks of four.  Match the seams, and turn one seam allowance one way and the other the other way.  If you have all the seam allowances on top of each other, it will probably be too thick to go through your sewing machine.  It doesn’t matter which way they are pressed.

Keep joining the pieces together, keeping all the seam allowances on the same side of the quilt.

Eventually all the pieces will be joined.  TA DA!

When they are all together, sew all the way around 1/2″ from the edge of the quilt.  I went around twice just to give extra strength.

There you go!  It is not done yet, but the end is in sight.  I will put pictures of B1 & B2’s quilts in another post.

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